Monday, March 18, 2013

"Love will sustain, a dying soul. Lost in the tides of worldly woes"

     Years ago I was going through my phone (at the time it was this Samsung slide phone. Loved that thing). Anyways, I found this note saved in there. On the note it said "Love will sustain, a dying soul. Lost in the tides of worldly woes." I don't remember typing this quote in there. I think someone did it. Every time I Google it, I find nothing. There's some article on deviantart. That's it. Can any of you help me with this quote? I love it, but I have no idea where it came from!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Mind

     It's almost midnight here in Alaska. My boyfriend is sleeping peacefully next to me. And I can't get a wink of sleep. Well, I was asleep. For some reason, now I'm not.
     I already have an overreactive mind at night, at least, that's what I tell myself. I'm constantly dreaming. I know experts say that it happens to everyone, but that's not what I mean. I mean I remember them all. Pretty much every single one. Most nights I'm up constantly because it's one dream after another. However; it's nights like tonight that my mind is overreactive in a different way.
     For the past half hour, every time I close my eyes I get these pictures in my head. I can't really explain them. They aren't scary or anything, but they freak me out. I think they freak me out because they won't go away, no matter how hard I try. It gets to the point where I just start crying and crawling into the fetal position. I don't really go back to sleep. I mean, obviously I do, but I'm not sure how. And later I always wake up in the middle of a dream anyways.
     It's like I can't get out of my head. I'm stuck. And that kind of scares me. Do any of you have these issues? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Friday, March 1, 2013


     Have you ever noticed that when you can't have something, it makes you want it more?

     This morning I had my second ankle surgery. I wanted to put lotion on because my skin was really dry (hello, I live in Alaska). But I couldn't. My lips were chapped. But I couldn't put Chapstick on. And I don't think I was even that hungry or thirsty when I woke up at 4 am to get ready for the hospital. But I think knowing that I couldn't have those things, made me want them even more. It's like our body preemptively misses things. Like we're preparing ourselves for the things we're going to be without already.

     It's not just material objects though. I just went to work on Wednesday and I miss my coworkers already. I miss my boyfriend already. I miss school already. I miss all these things, even though I haven't been without them for long. 

     Have you ever had that happen? Where something is off limits, but it makes you want it more? Say you're in school and you have this crush on a really hot guy, but for some reason you can't have him. Maybe he has a girlfriend or crappy parents. But it's the unattainable that makes us crave. I think our mind does this in more situations than one. It could be a diet, a potential lover, a job, a vacation, a material object. Leave your comments below and tell me what it is you really want right now, but you can't have. I'd love you hear from you guys :)